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Kerala Police Recruitment Kerala Police Recruitment 2021 Notification August : Here we are with latest jobs in Kerala police. We will help you to Find latest jobs in Kerala police. You can easily find the latest career vacancies at, you can get here brief idea about latest Kerala Police recruitment. Visit our site & Apply now by submitting your resume.

Kerala Police Recruitment 2021 Age Limit
To apply for the Kerala Police Department job, candidates must be of the following age limit. Candidates of a known age can only apply for the vacancy. Please see the age limit details below.
Post Name | Age Limit |
Accounts Officer | 25 – 55 |
Kerala Police Recruitment 2021 Vacancy And Salary Details
The Kerala Police Department has published the following job postings with their current vacancy for 2021. You are inviting one candidate to fill their vacancies. You can see the details of your vacancies below.
Post Name | Vacancy | Salary |
Accounts Officer | 1 | Rs.40,000 |
Kerala Police Recruitment 2021 Educational Qualification
Candidates must verify their required educational qualifications for various jobs in Kerala Police. Applicants must pass the latest Kerala Police Recruitment 2021 in full before they can apply for this position.
Post Name | Qualification |
Accounts Officer | *M. Com./CA/CS/ICWA *Experience in handling Accounting Software and should have work experience of at least 3 years in any firm. |
Official Kerala Police Recruitment Notification
Up-and-comers should enlist according to ‘Once REGISTRATION ‘ with the official site of Kerala Public Service Commission prior to applying for the post. Competitors who have just enlisted can apply by signing on to their profile utilizing their User-ID and secret word. Applicants should tap on the ‘Apply Now’ catch of the separate posts in the Notification Link to applying for a post. No application expense is required. Competitors can see and have a printout of the subtleties in the profile by tapping the connection Registration Card. Competitors are liable for the accuracy of the individual data and mystery of secret key. Before the last accommodation of every application, up-and-comers should guarantee accuracy of the data on their profile. They should cite the User-ID for additional correspondence with the Commission. Application once submitted is dealt with as temporary and can’t be erased or changed after accommodation. The application will be immediately dismissed if rebelliousness with the warning is found throughout handling. Archives to demonstrate capability, experience, network, age and so forth must be delivered as and when called for. The profile revision made by the up-and-comer on solicitation after the last date fixed for receipt of utilization won’t reflect in the application. Such redresses will be as a result on the date from which redresses have been made. The individuals who have Aadhaar Card ought to enter it in their profile as Identity Proof.
• If Written/OMR/Online Test is led as a component of this choice, up-and-comers will present an affirmation for composing the assessment through their One Time Registration profile. Such up-and-comers alone can create and download the Admission Tickets over the most recent 15 days till the date of Test. The uses of up-and-comers who don’t submit affirmation inside the specified period, will be dismissed totally. The periods with respect to the accommodation of affirmation and the accessibility of Affirmation Tickets will be distributed in the Examination Calendar itself. Data in such manner will be given to the competitors in their individual profiles and in the cell phone number enrolled in it. Competitors who have downloaded the Admission Ticket will alone be allowed to go to the assessment. Competitors who have made counterfeit claims about capability and involvement with their application independent of whether they go to the assessment in the wake of giving affirmation, will be subject to disciplinary activity according to KPSC Rules of Procedure Rule 22.
How To Apply For Latest Kerala Police Recruitment 2021?
Interested candidates shall send their Application letter, duly filled up Bio-data and attested copies of certificates proving their qualifications & experience, to the Additional Director General of Police (HQ) & Chairman, Central Management Committee of Subsidiary Central Police Canteen, Police Headquarters, Thiruvananthapuram on or before 31/05/2021, 5.00pm, by email [email protected]
Official Notification | Click Here |
Apply Now | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |