Pick up the daily delivery instructions from the main office.
Carry out routine checks on your vehicle every time you drive it.
Make sure that you understand the instructions and know the route.
Weigh the vehicle before and after it is loaded
Loading of the vehicle whenever required
Check the condition of the load and that it is securely fastened
Follow the correct safety procedures if the goods being transported are dangerous
Check all the documentation related to the loads
Drive to make deliveries or pick up goods
Keep a log book of the hours they work
Carry out basic vehicle maintenance
Make sure that you & passengers wear their seat belts
Keep records of the vehicle update
Keep the vehicle clean and tidy
Ensure the vehicle is in good working order, fully fuelled and clean every day
Liaise with the Transport officer and admin department about the moves and duties to perform on daily basis
Please note that if there is any traffic violations on company vehicle assigned, the fines will be the sole responsibility of the driver as the fine will be deducted and notified as warnings.
Loading and unloading of materials