Beaconhouse School System
Job description / Role
Are you an outstanding Early Years practitioner, passionate about making a positive difference to the lives of children? If so, we have a unique opportunity for an ambitious, highly motivated Head of FS to join one of our fast-developing schools. You will be participating in shaping the future by providing a high quality, international education for all our young people. Newlands School is a branch of Beaconhouse group, we have around 310,000 full time students in eight countries with 729 schools. The school follows the British curriculum (From FS 1 to YR 8).
Policy Objectives and EYFS Procedures
• To agree major objectives with the Principal and to co-ordinate and assist in the implementation of these objectives, including the creation and development of policies and procedures to meet the operational and teaching needs.
Curriculum Coordination
• To work alongside the School’s FS teachers and assist in curriculum co-ordination, lesson planning, timetabling, resourcing, events, etc.
EYFS Best Practice
• To assist and support teachers in their teaching and learning objectives, with the goal of ensuring consistent best practices and raising achievement for all EYFS children.
• Modelling teaching or team teaching a lesson where necessary to support best practice.
Quality of Teaching and Learning
• To monitor the quality of teaching and learning through classroom observations and monitoring of Teacher’s planning and children’s work to check appropriateness of the content, progression and continuity between classes, consistency in feedback to the children, marking and responding, and standards of presentation and learning.
Expectations and Targets
• To establish clear expectations and define targets for all EYFS practitioners, evaluating teaching practice through lesson observations, regular team meetings and individual feedback sessions.
• To work with Admissions staff in Admissions assessments (including assessing new children) to ensure students are admitted to the school according to the school’s admissions policy, and to ensure students are welcomed, settle quickly and happily into school life.
EYFS Action Plan
• To work with the Principal and FS staff to devise an EYFS Action Plan, applicable to the School, as a part of the overall School Improvement Plan and to set relevant targets for the EYFS Action Plan and for groups of children, as necessary.
• To continuously monitor the effectiveness of the EYFS Action Plan and evaluate its impact with SLT, through regular updates and progress reports for the Principal.
• To support and monitor staff in assessing children according to the EYFS profile & revised assessment guidelines, take an active part in promoting Assessment for Learning, and to promote good record keeping
To apply for this job email your details to info@beaconhouse.net